JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Phoenix

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Commercial Cleaning Services in Phoenix

JAN-PRO Cleaning & 消毒是您值得信赖的凤凰城顶级新利客户端清洁服务提供商. With over 31 years of experience, 我们的认证加盟商利用先进的技术提供卓越的清洁和维护, 确保您的设施符合最高的清洁和专业标准.

Tailored to your industry’s specific needs, our services help create a spotless, 高效的工作环境,给客户留下深刻的印象,并使员工保持动力-与我们合作,以获得可靠的合作伙伴, 行业专用清洁解决方案,坚持最严格的卫生和环境卫生标准.

Learn more about cleaning services with JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting

Trusted Commercial Cleaners Near You in Phoenix

作为排名第一的新利客户端清洁特许经营,新利客户端 & 消毒拥有一流的品牌声誉和一套彻底的清洁程序, support systems, 和客户服务标准,可以帮助您保持您的客户满意和您的18luck新利网蓬勃发展. We provide the customers, training, and support you need, 再加上自由和灵活的投资和发展的速度,适合你和你的目标-即使你没有任何18luck新利网或清洁经验.

Our certified Phoenix franchisees deliver exceptional cleaning services 适用于零售商店、办公室和餐馆等企业. With industry-best practices, we ensure every surface is spotless and disinfected, all within a schedule that fits your needs.

Businesses We Serve in Phoenix

Medical facilities: JAN-PRO Cleaning & 消毒确保医疗办公室符合严格的CDC和OSHA标准. 我们的JAN-PRO MedMetrix®程序和EnviroShield®系统消除了99.9%的有害细菌,为工作人员和患者提供更清洁、更安全的环境. 请与您当地的特许经营商联系,寻求专业的医疗保健清洁服务.

Daycare Centers and Preschools: JAN-PRO Cleaning & 在凤凰城消毒可以确保你的日托中心没有细菌和有害化学物质, providing a safe, spotless environment for children.

Gyms and Fitness Centers: Maintaining a clean fitness center is challenging, 特别是在共用设备和细菌污染的地方. 我们的凤凰加盟商使用顶级消毒剂,并专注于高接触区域,以保持您的健身房新鲜, hygienic, and spotless.

Business Offices整洁的办公室能给人留下好印象,还能减少请病假. 我们使用强效、低化学成分的消毒剂,以确保一尘不染、更健康的环境.

Retail Shops: First impressions matter. JAN-PRO Cleaning & 凤凰城消毒定制零售清洁包,确保您的商店一尘不染, from floors to bathrooms.

Auto Dealerships整洁的展厅能给客户留下持久的印象,并能显著影响销售. JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Phoenix ensures your dealership shines, 把你的车放在聚光灯下,创造一个激发客户信心和促进销售的环境.

Restaurants: In the food industry, cleanliness is crucial. 我们的凤凰加盟商遵循严格的质量控制程序和最佳卫生措施,以确保您的餐厅保持一尘不染, safe, and food-friendly.

Government Buildings: JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Phoenix delivers professional, cost-effective cleaning for government facilities, ensuring they remain clean, attractive, and hygienic.

Construction and Industrial Cleaning: JAN-PRO Cleaning & 凤凰城的消毒使用专门的设备来保持建筑和工业场所的清洁, safe, and efficient, boosting productivity and safety.

Business Offices

From the boardroom to the bathroom, 清洁加盟商有助于为您的员工和客人创造一个更清洁、更温馨的环境.
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With retail cleaning by JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting, 你的客人在购物时不会被灰尘和碎片分散注意力,直到他们倒下——那是因为不会有任何东西.
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Daycare Centers & Preschools

With JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting services, 不用使用刺激性或有害的化学物质,就可以很容易地保护孩子免受细菌和细菌的侵害.
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Medical Facilities

清洁加盟商了解医疗场所卫生的高度重要性-严格的协议确保您的设施符合CDC要求, AORN, OSHA, and Joint Commission standards.
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Industrial & Manufacturing

当涉及到工业强度的清洁,新利客户端 & 消毒加盟商提供无与伦比的服务,可以对抗仓库中最棘手的罪魁祸首, manufacturing facilities, and other industrial buildings.
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Where We Serve

JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Phoenix

4511 E Broadway Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85040

(602) 438-1000

Cities Served
ChandlerGlendaleMesaPeoriaScottsdaleSurpriseSun CityParadise ValleyGilbert


当你需要时,在凤凰城雇佣一个认证的特许经营商是一个明智的选择. 您可以与您的服务提供商协调安排您的工作时间以外的服务, ensuring minimal disruption to your operations.

Beyond the custom schedule, 整个凤凰城的企业将享受许多好处,当他们聘请新利客户端 & Disinfecting in Phoenix, such as:

  • Improved health正确的清洁方案,使用杀菌消毒剂,使您的企业环境更健康. 持续的清洁减少了传染病在员工和顾客之间的传播.
  • Higher productivity: When germs are eliminated, your employees are less likely to fall ill, leading to fewer sick days and higher productivity.
  • Better customer impressions:清洁的等候区和整洁的展示可以创造积极的第一印象, making your business more appealing to potential clients.
  • Cost savings虽然内部清洁人员可能看起来很划算, 雇佣独立的承包商可以节省你的供应和管理费用.
  • Peace of mind:专业的清洁人员可以推荐额外的服务, like deep carpet or floor cleaning, as needed. 您还可以根据季节性需求扩展您的服务.